Dave McLean Photography Blog

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Welcome, My name is Dave McLean, I'm 40 years old, married with 2 children and live in the UK. I have been interested in photography for about 8 years now and hope to use this blog to share my pictures and anything photography related I come across.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

It’s Hard To Shoot Tight


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via Photofocus by scottbourne on 6/14/10

Copyright Scott Bourne 1997 - All Rights Reserved

You may have heard the old saying: "I was going to write you a short letter, but I didn't have time, so I wrote you a long one instead."

It's hard to write tight. It's hard to photograph tight as well. Most professional photographers separate themselves from the amateur by knowing what NOT to include in a photo.

It takes more work to decipher what should and should not go into a photographic composition. The lazy photographer just shoots everything and figures he/she will deal with it in post.

Your images should be direct and to the point. When in doubt, leave it out. Think about making your photographic point and moving on.

When you're about to make your next photograph, ask yourself if you're being visually brief. If not, put your back into it and decide what you can do without.


Things you can do from here:


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