Dave McLean Photography Blog

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Welcome, My name is Dave McLean, I'm 40 years old, married with 2 children and live in the UK. I have been interested in photography for about 8 years now and hope to use this blog to share my pictures and anything photography related I come across.

Monday 21 June 2010

Dragan effect Photoshop tutorial


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via PhotoRadar Techniques by Amy Davies on 6/7/10

Give portraits a dramatic makeover in the style of Polish photographer Andrzej Dragan. This cool HDR-style effect only in a matter of minutes in Photoshop.

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo techniques were originally conceived as a way of combining multiple exposures to maximise tonal range, particularly in landscapes and cityscapes. However, HDR software also allows photographers to produce a hyper-real finish. The exaggerated look was being applied to portraits long before the HDR craze – and it only needs a single exposure. Polish photographer Andrzej Dragan first pioneered this technique, and it is his name that has become attached to it. The so-called 'Dragan effect' is a method for pulling out every last bit of texture in a portrait photo, so that each line, freckle, wrinkle and pore is emphasised, giving the image a hyper-real, almost 3D feel. This is best applied to 'character portraits' – glamour models won't thank you for this technique. Here's how it's done…

Dragan effect Photoshop tutorial

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