Dave McLean Photography Blog

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Welcome, My name is Dave McLean, I'm 40 years old, married with 2 children and live in the UK. I have been interested in photography for about 8 years now and hope to use this blog to share my pictures and anything photography related I come across.

Friday 1 October 2010

Photo Careers – Thinking Outside the Box

Photo Careers – Thinking Outside the Box: "

photo by alancleaver_2000

I was watching NCIS last night and I couldn’t help think about my friend Mike Kubeisy. Have you ever watched a TV show and wondered where that family picture on the mantle came from? Or how about those autopsy and crime scene photos? Well, if you know Mike then you already know. Mike has a very unique job as a set photographer for some of TV’s most popular shows including Chuck, CSI – New York, and my favorite, NCIS among others. Mike’s job is pretty simple, take care of every photographic need the show may have, including scene documentation, photo mock-ups, crime scene photos, and Mike’s specialty, modified x-rays. Of course you might think that his is a pretty glamorous life but Mike busts his butt on a daily basis, which is why he is so successful at what he does.

But thinking about Mike and his unusual career got me thinking about other unique jobs in photography. Sure, everyone knows about the more typical photographic occupations like wedding, sports, advertising, portraits, etc., but what are those unusual photo jobs that you never hear about. I’m not necessarily talking about a career but something that might keep you in new lenses, a new camera body, or just supplement your income.

Pet photographer, taking photos of diners on a cruise ship, location scouting, insurance/accident photographer, etc., etc. The need for quality photographs and photographers is out there, you just might need to think a little outside the box to find it. Do you know of any unique photography jobs? If so, add a comment and share with the rest of us, that is unless you want to keep it all to yourself.

And while you are thinking about it, pop on over to Mike Kubeisy’s website, Digital-Ops, and check out his body of work. Just be warned, some of his crime scene imagery can be very disturbing to those of you with a weak stomach (those Hollywood make-up artists are pretty amazing).

Related posts:

  1. Photo Blogging at Photoshop World

  2. Resources for Creating a Photo Blog

  3. Photo Magazines – The iPad Way


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