Dave McLean Photography Blog

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Welcome, My name is Dave McLean, I'm 40 years old, married with 2 children and live in the UK. I have been interested in photography for about 8 years now and hope to use this blog to share my pictures and anything photography related I come across.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Things That Make Images Weaker

Things That Make Images Weaker: "


During reviews in my workshops we discuss what keeps some images from working better and how they could be improved.

Here’s a list we compiled during my recent Iceland workshop.

Avoid these thing and make your images stronger.

Lack of Focus (Not Deliberate)

Limited Depth of Field (Not Deliberate)

Motion Blur (Not Deliberate)

Chromatic Aberation

Noise (Not Deliberate)

Posterization (Not Deliberate)

Lack of Shadow and/or Highlight Detail (Not Deliberate)

Color Contrast Between Elements Not Strong Enough

Low Contrast Light

Cropping Seems Accidental Rather Than Deliberate

Distracting Elements on the Frame

Almost Centered (Neither Centered Nor Significantly Off Center)

Too Many Competing Lines

Shapes Merge Becoming Unclear

Shapes Rendered Without Volume (Not Deliberate)

Too Busy (Complexity Lacks Structure)

Simple Subjects With No Counterpoint

Secondary Elements Distract From Primary Elements

Image Enhancements Call Attention To Themselves

Text Competing for Attention

Text Creates Unintended Commentary

Graphics (Text/Images) Not Integrated Into Image



What else would you add to this list?

Find out about my digital photography workshops here.


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